Project Archive
EAAI-2025: The Fifteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (collocated with AAAI-25) March 1-2, 2025
Spelling Fixer |
Rasika Bhalerao |
Using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and the Viterbi algorithm, students "correct" words which are not in the dictionary. Then, students improve the algorithm by using BERT to take context into account. Students also analyze types of errors and training dataset choices. |
Designing Culturally Responsive Lessons with AI: Enhancing Engagement and Inclusion |
Eun Kyung Ko and Vishodana Thamotharan |
This assignment engages teacher candidates in the integration of AI tools to design culturally responsive lessons. Through reflective AI journals and CRT lesson development, candidates learn to incorporate AI tools to foster inclusive and engaging classrooms. |
Differential Privacy with MedMNIST |
Lisa Zhang, Sonya Allin, Mahdi Haghifam, Michael Pawliuk, Rutwa Engineer, and Florian Shkurti |
Sequence of two deep learning assignments on x-ray images: one on building a MLP and another on exploring/implementing differentially private SGD (DP-SGD). |
AI & Employment Lesson Plan |
Cunyan Ma, Daniella DiPaola, and Cynthia Breazeal |
This 1-hour lesson plan brings students to consider AI's impact on employment, understanding four ways that AI may impact employment: replacing workers, augmenting work, creating more jobs, and placing more emphasis on human-centered skills. |
Mastermind Has Entropy |
Loreto Alonzi, Brian Wright, and Ali Rivera |
The goal of this assignment is for students to learn how to quantify missing information using Entropy through play of the game Mastermind, a codebreaking game with feedback from guesses that provides information gain, informing subsequent guesses. |
Large Language MadLibs |
Kristin Fasiang and Duri Long |
Large Language MadLibs is an interactive, "unplugged" activity that introduces middle and high school students to the use of probability distributions by Large Language Models. |
Gender Bias in Word Embeddings |
Shruthi Chockkalingam and Giulia Toti |
Students get first-hand experience with gender bias in word embeddings, evaluating the presence of gender bias in a pre-trained word embedding, debiasing the embedding in post-processing, and determining the extent to which bias is still present after debiasing. |
"Guess My Passcode": A K-12 Game-Based Introduction to AI and Backpropagation |
Evan Shieh, Princewill Okoroafor, and Thema Monroe-White |
Guess My Passcode is a social, story-based game that aims to demystify technologies that are commonly referred to as "artificial intelligence", teaching the intuition behind backpropagation. This lesson is tested for grades 6+ and aligned to CC Math Standards (grades 4-6). |
Model Building and Risk Analysis with Health Survey Data |
Sonya Allin, Lisa Zhang, Mustafa Haiderbhai, Carolyn Quinlan, Rutwa Engineer, and Michael Pawliuk |
Sequence of three machine learning labs on health data, with embedded discussions related to model evaluation, risk, subgroup analysis, and bias-variance analysis. |
Shapeshifting Coloring Problems |
Ashwin R. Bharadwaj, Shengnan Zhang, and Rajagopal Venkatesaramani |
Students are challenged with a grid-based coloring problem with some cells initially colored, a list of brushes and colors, and a goal of coloring the grid to have adjacent cells be differently colored, minimizing brush strokes and colors. |
Act Out An LLM |
Sarah Wharton, John Masla, Lydia Guterman, Mary Cate Gustafson-Quiett, Christina Bosch, Samar Abu Hegley, Calvin Macatantan, Eric Klopfer, Cynthia Breazeal, and Hal Abelson |
In this activity, students act as a large language model to generate a sentence based on a prompt. Students are introduced to the concept of a token in text generation through a next-token-voting activity which is repeated until a full sentence is generated. |
Lecture material and worksheets for AI Applications and Societal Impact - CS Core 2023 |
Giulia Toti, Shira Wein, Mercy Wairimu Gachoka, and Li-Hsin Chang |
This submission includes material developed to assist CS instructors in covering the three core hours on AI Applications and Societal Impact recently added to the 2023 Computer Science Curricula recommendations. |
Enhancing Data Science Education through Environmental Impact Prediction and Data Storytelling |
Maryam Mirzaei and Mohammad Mahdi Ajallooeian |
This is a multi-phase data preparation and machine learning assignment focused on preparing datasets for environmental impact prediction. The project is structured in two phases but can be expanded into more phases for deeper learning and exploration. |
EAAI-2024: The Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (collocated with AAAI-24) February 24-25, 2024
Collective Intelligence from a Synthetic and Biological Perspective |
Pia Bideau, David Bierbach, and Wolfgang Hönig |
Develop a synthetic approach simulating simple collective behavior via a Lego-robot platform. The assignment covers distance estimation, collision avoidance, synthesizing collective behavior, and analyzing collective behavior.
PDDL Assignment |
Nir Lipovetzky and Christian Muise |
This assignment guides students through the creation of a planning domain. The primary language is PDDL (a syntax commonly used for planning), and visualization & testing elements are included. |
Using Computer Vision Techniques to Count LEGO Pieces |
Lino Coria |
The first of two lab assignments involves “old school” computer vision techniques to segment and classify LEGO pieces with simple backgrounds, whereas the second lab applies deep learning techniques to LEGO piece counting in a larger public dataset with more challenging backgrounds. |
An Animal Card Set for Teaching Classification (Unplugged) |
Claire Wong and Stephanie Rosenthal |
This unplugged activity for teaching machine learning classification provides a set of brightly-colored cards that describe features of 36 animals of the classes mammal, bird, and fish drawn from the Kaggle Zoo Animal dataset along with materials for building decision trees.
Teaching Word Embedding in Natural Language Processing using SNAP! |
Yu Lu, Ming Gao, and Jingjing Zhang |
In natural language processing (NLP), word embedding encodes the meaning of individual words in the form of a real-valued vector. We leverage a block-based programming language for learning basic concepts of word embedding for novice NLP learners. |
EAAI-2023: The Thirteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence Washington, DC, USA (collocated with AAAI-23) February 11-12, 2023
Analyzing the COMPAS Recidivism Algorithm |
Raechel Walker, Olivia Dias, Zeynep Yalçın, Cynthia Breazeal, and Matt Taylor |
Students are introduced to historical bias in arrest data via the documentary "13th", have an entry level introduction to Python, and analyze the COMPAS algorithm to better understand algorithmic bias and how to use data science to transform society. |
The WARLACS AI Assignments |
Erin J. Talvitie |
The WARLACS (Writing and Research in Liberal Arts Computer Science) AI assignments both give students practice applying a variety of AI ideas and scaffold the development of their writing and research skills, culminating in a final project that models the basic research process at a small scale. |
Regret Matching Notebook |
Charlie Pilgrim and Paolo Turrini |
Students build their own regret matching algorithm to learn the Nash equilibrium of Rock, Paper, Scissors through self-play. |
Training Artificial Neural Networks to Beat StarCraft II |
James Maher, Matthew Boutell, and Justin Wilson |
Students create an artificial neural network and use reinforcement learning to implement an automated agent in the Starcraft II game.
The assignment is intended to be a final team project for an undergraduate AI course. |
A 4-Module Sequence for Applied Deep Learning |
Narges Norouzi |
A 4-module undergraduate deep learning sequence: (1) linear regression, kernel-methods, weight regularization, (2) image-data preprocessing, dimensionality reduction, logistic regression, neural networks (NNs), (3) convolutional NNs, transfer learning, and (4) recurrent NNs. |
Local Search in Ackley Surface with Scaffolding |
Jonathan Scott and Narges Norouzi |
An Ackley surface and scaffolding aids students implementation of stochastic hill climbing with re-starts, simulated annealing, and local beam search. Additional resources are provided for modification of the local search landscape function and teaching assignment concepts. |
EAAI-2022: The Twelfth
Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence Online (collocated with AAAI-22) February 26-27, 2022
FairKalah: Fair Mancala Competition |
Todd Neller |
Students experientially learn about alpha-beta pruning, heuristic evaluation, and time management in real-time, fair Mancala competition. An optimal play dataset is also supplied for optional machine learning opportunities. |
Movement and Visual AI |
Jazmin Collins |
An introductory lesson to basic visual AI and computer vision. It goes over the concepts of movement and how an AI application will learn to identify it, using MIT Media Lab PoseBlocks/Scratch as well as a live demo of Google's Quick Draw. |
When Your Neighbor is a Zombie: Zombie KNN |
Daniel Schneider and Yim Register |
We present a KNN lesson that engages its K12 audience in a thrilling adventure to cross a map to safety during the zombie apocalypse. Students prediction how many zombies are likely to be in a location by tallying similarities to other locations in their dataset. |
Reflecting on Bias |
Christopher Brooks |
This set of assignments provides students with the opportunity to read about and reflect on the many different ways in which bias can occur in AI and ML problems, considering technical and colloquial definitions of bias, difficulty of defining fairness, and biases in real-world datasets. |
Projecting Your Data |
Chia-Wei Tang and Chaolin Liu |
Students build a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based on the MNIST dataset and build an interactive visualizer of high-dimensional data from the model's outputs. While doing so, students learn to investigate the properties of a specific embedding and the behavior of their model. |
Introduction to problem-solving with data: A Fresh Squeeze on Data |
Roozbeh Aliabadi, Annabel Hasty, Sultan Albarakati, Haotian Fang, Harvey Yin, Joel Wilson, and Tianling Feng |
In this assignment, a teacher and students work together to collect data and analyze the relationship between data and bias. This assignment provides a captivating story and interactive lesson plan for students in 3rd-5th grade to explore the practical, real-life implications of data bias. |
EAAI-2021: The Eleventh
Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence Online (collocated with AAAI-21) February 6-7, 2021
ScalarFlow: Implementing Reverse Mode Automatic Differentiation |
Nathan Sprague |
Students gain a better understanding of deep learning algorithms and
frameworks by programming an automatic differentiation engine and
then modifying machine learning code built on top of that engine.
Rushhour: Designing and comparing A* heuristics for a children's puzzle |
John Maraist |
This assignment uses the Rush Hour
puzzle to explore the design of heuristics for A* search. Students
construct different heuristics for Rush Hour, and calculate the
effective branching factor and other metrics for each of their
heuristics, as well as for naive BFS.
Text Denoising Autoencoder for News Headlines |
Lisa Zhang and
Pouria Fewzee |
In this assignment, students
combine the techniques learned through a deep learning course to build
a denoising autoencoder for news headlines. Students then use this
denoising autoencoder to query similar headlines, and interpolate
between headlines.
“Unplugged” Semantic Networks and Knowledge Representations |
Duri Long, Jonathan Moon and Brian Magerko |
In this “unplugged” assignment,
learners create their own semantic networks by gluing down printable
cards containing concepts and arrows containing
relationships. Provided card decks contain concepts related to
animals, family, and musical instruments.
Using Markov Chain Text Generators to Facilitate Found Poetry Creation |
Alex Leto, Toni Lefton and Tom Williams
This flexible educational module
simultaneously teaches students about AI techniques and Found Poetry
techniques. It asks students to reflect on both the nature of
authorship in human-AI creative interaction, and the effect of AI on
humans' creative process.
Introducing AI Worksheet Activity |
Duri Long, Jonathan Moon and Brian Magerko |
What is AI? Where have you used it
before? How do you feel about it? How does it work? In this activity
students will explore questions like these through an interactive
group worksheet activity. |
EAAI-2020: The Tenth
Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence New York, New
York, USA (collocated with AAAI-20) February 8-9, 2020
Predicting and Preventing Deaths in
the ICU: Designing and Analyzing an AI System |
Stephen Keeley and
Michael Guerzhoy |
Students fit a logistic regression classifier to predict patient
death in the ICU. Students estimate the percentage of patients who could be
saved in the test set assuming that a simulation model's assumptions hold. |
A Project on
Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) |
Wolfgang Hoenig,
Jiaoyang Li, and Sven Koenig |
implement multi-agent path finding (MAPF), where agents must move to their
respective goal locations without colliding with the environment or each other.
MAPF is a key task for autonomous warehousing and just-in-time manufacturing.
A Module
for Introducing Ethics in AI: Detecting Bias in Language Models |
Ameet Soni and
Krista Thomason |
Students are introduced to word embedding models, how they
encode cultural biases, and Word Embedding Association Test, a tool for
uncovering these biases. Students analyze the ethical issues that arise in
real-world applications of machine learning. |
Gesture Recognition using Convolutional
Neural Networks |
Lisa Zhang and Bibin Sebastian |
Students build a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to recognize
American Sign Language (ASL) hand gestures, and learn how to collect, clean, and
split data into training/validation/test sets, debug NNs, and related skills.
Wasserstein GAN - Depth First Learning |
Cinjon Resnick,
Avital Oliver,
Surya Bhupatiraju,
Kumar Krishna Agrawal,
James Allingham |
Students thoroughly absorb a recent seminal paper in ML,
"Wasserstein GAN", by traversing the dependencies that led to that paper.
Students will gain a thorough understanding of how generative modeling and
Generative Adversarial Networks work. |
PyPlat: A Flexible Platform Game
Project |
Sejong Yoon |
PyPlat is a small, game-based AI project where
students design and implement Python platform-game-playing agents. Students can
either implement instructor-chosen search/planning algorithms or develop their
own and compete with peers. |
Unfairness and Bias in Data |
Jonathan Chen,
Tom Larsen, and Marion Neumann
Introductory data science students complete a
Jupyter Notebook-based assignment exploring how bias can be introduced into a
model using an example of gender bias in credit history used to predict
creditworthiness. |
Against Adversary and Stochastic agents in ConnectFour Game |
Narges Norouzi
and Ryan Hausen |
Students learn adversarial and stochastic games through
the implementation of alpha-beta pruning and expectimax search for
playing a variation of the game Connect 4. Students are provided with a
GUI to test the performance of their algorithms. |
Networked Checkers Bots Assignment |
Matthew Evett |
Networked Checkers Bot Competition - build a minimax-based AI
that plays checkers against other bots via a provided RMI-based
intermediary. |
2019 EAAI-2019:
The Ninth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (collocated with
AAAI-19) January
28-29, 2019
Implementing a
Recommender system using MapReduce |
Raja Sooriamurthi
Students gain hands-on experience with
recommender systems, modeling the core computation in a
spreadsheet, and then expressing the recommender algorithm in the
MapReduce paradigm using mrjob with the Movielens data set. |
Building a Fake News Detector |
Michael Guerzhoy and Lisa
Zhang |
Students use Machine Learning to classify news
headlines as "real" or "fake". Students build and compare several
standard classifiers. A classwide competition is held for the best
fake news detector. |
Using Ultimate Tic
Tac Toe to Motivate AI Game Agents |
Paul Talaga |
In this assignment students extend a Tic Tac
Toe program to Ultimate Tic Tac Toe and implement a different
search strategy than the example code. |
RISK AI Project |
Archibald |
Students design and implement agents for the
board game of RISK which then compete in a class tournament for
extra credit. Two preliminary assignments are also included, where
students implement uniform cost search and decision trees within
the context of RISK. |
The Minecraft Projects
Adam Summerville and Joseph
Osborn |
A package of interesting projects in
Minecraft-like domains with applications to Minecraft itself.
These assignments cover a variety of AI topics from path and task
planning to constraint satisfaction. |
Depth First Learning: DeepStack |
Surya Bhupatiraju and Kumar
Krishna Agrawal |
Through six sessions,
students will gain understanding of how to solve 1v1 games of
incomplete information by traversing the tree of concept
dependencies that led to DeepStack, the successful AI poker
player. |
Nearest Neighbor Classification
(with almost no background) |
Nate Derbinsky and
Elena Strange |
This assignment engages
students in basic Machine Learning concepts and implementation,
including classification and similarity-based search, with minimal
background knowledge. |
Introduction to Python
for Data Science |
Marion Neumann and
Jonathan Chen |
This is a sequence of two interactive guided
labs introducing the basics of Python the data science workflow
using the Iris dataset. |
Introducing the Data
Science Workflow using Sentiment Analysis |
Marion Neumann and
Zac Christensen |
This is an interactive guided lab introducing
the basic data science workflow by exploring sentiment analysis.
The assignment highlights data acquisition and exploration using a
given dataset of movie reviews. |
A Gentle Introduction
to the Backpropagation Algorithm and Feedforward Networks |
Michael Wollowski and
Oscar Youngquist |
Students learn about feedforward neural
networks and the backpropagation algorithm by implementing a
perceptron network for AND and XOR Boolean functions and, given an
implementation of a feedforward network, learn digit recognition
using the MNIST data set. |
2018 EAAI-2018: The Eighth
Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (collocated with
February 3-4, 2018
Go for a Walk |
Zack Butler |
Real-world path planning for pedestrians. In
the first part, students implement A* over a map that includes
roads/paths as well as elevations. In the second part, students
collect actual data through walking around the real world, and the
cost model is then learned via regression techniques. |
Solve a Maze via Search |
Derbinsky |
A natural extension to
the Pacman
Project's Search assignment, this assignment involves
formulating maze-solving as a search problem, image processing
(via OpenCV) as a step in maze-solving, as well as guided
performance/quality analysis of representational parameters. |
A Module on
Ethical Thinking about Autonomous Vehicles in an AI Course |
Heidi Furey and Fred
Martin |
Within the context of an artificial intelligence
course, students are taught to identify ethical issues within
technical projects and to engage in moral problem solving with
regard to such issues. |
Networks for Face Recognition with TensorFlow |
Michael Guerzhoy |
Students build feedforward neural networks for
face recognition using TensorFlow. Students then visualize the
weights of the neural networks they train. The visualization
allows students to understand feedforward one-hidden layer neural
networks in terms of template matching, and allows students to
explore overfitting. |
How Recurrent Neural Networks Model Text |
Michael Guerzhoy
and Renjie Liao |
Students extend and modify existing code to
generate "fake English" text from an RNN. Students explore how the
RNN model is able to generate text that resembles the training
text by analyzing the weights and architecture of the RNN.
Optionally, students train the RNN themselves using a corpus of
Shakespeare plays as the training set. |
Robot Juggling |
Ariel Anders |
In this assignment
students learn how to control a robot to juggle a ball by
programming a velocity-controlled robot, such that it causes the
ball to bounce with some desired periodic motion. Specifically,
students will implement a hybrid controller that uses a mirror
control law within the framework of a 2D physics simulator. |
Computing: Several Variants of a Universal Paradigm |
Joshua Eckroth |
This assignment allows students to practice
with logic programming and constraint programming in Prolog using
a paradigm we call "biductive computing.", i.e. mixing deductive
and abductive computing. This assignment includes four variants of
biductive computing: database querying, planning, parsing, and
probabilistic reasoning. |
2017 EAAI-2017:
The Seventh Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
San Francisco, California, USA (collocated with
AAAI-17), February 5-6, 2017
An Introduction
to Monte Carlo Techniques in AI - Part II |
Todd Neller |
Learn about Bayesian network reasoning with
Gibbs Sampling, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique, through
implementation and experimentation. |
Git Planner |
Joshua Eckroth |
Students build a PDDL
planning library of common tasks supported by the Git version
control tool, and make use of the Fast Downward planning engine to
produce plans consisting of Git actions that update a repository
to a specified goal state. |
Implementing a
Hidden Markov Model Toolkit |
Sravana Reddy |
To facilitate learning about the application of
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to Natural Language Processing (NLP),
these assignments break the task into modular parts, allowing
customized assignment coverage. |
An Introduction
to Behavior-Based Robotics |
Joshua Ziegler,
Bindewald, and
Peterson |
Students implement a behavior-based simulated
tank agent in the AutoTank environment with a reactive
behavior-based architecture built using the Unified Behavior
Framework (UBF). |
Machine Learning
for Everyone: Introduction to Classification and Clustering |
Thomas Way,
Paula Matuszek,
Lillian Cassel,
Papalaskari, and Carol Weiss |
An introduction to Classification and
Clustering aimed at a beginner, non-technical student audience.
Materials for hands-on exercises and pre- and post-test quizzes
are included. |
Pathfinding |
Joshua Eckroth |
Students develop a “human-like” pathfinding
technique by specializing a generic search algorithm with custom
action cost and heuristic cost functions. Students apply classical
search algorithms and reflect on example organic paths to achieve
“human-like” pathfinding. |
Servoing |
Ariel Anders
and Sertac Karaman |
Students use Image Based Visual Servoing to
program a mobile robot to park in front of solid color objects,
with control based on input from a standard monocular camera.
Students leverage open source software tools like OpenCV and ROS
to implement this reactive planner. |
2016 EAAI-2016: The Sixth
Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (collocated with
AAAI-16), February 13-14, 2016
2014 EAAI-2014:
The Fifth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (collocated with
July 28-29, 2014
2013 EAAI-2013: The Fourth
Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
Bellevue, Washington, USA (collocated with
AAAI-13), July 15-16, 2013
2012 EAAI-2012: The
Third Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial
Intelligence, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (collocated with
AAAI-12), July 23-24, 2012
2011 EAAI-2011:
The Second Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
San Francisco, California (collocated with
AAAI-11), August 9-10, 2011
Clue Deduction:
an introduction to satisfiability reasoning |
Todd Neller |
The popular boardgame
Clue (a.k.a.
Cluedo) serves as a fun focus problem for this introduction to
propositional knowledge representation and reasoning. |
Project |
Tim Oates |
As a final project for an introductory AI
course, students work in small groups to design a scalable
guessing algorithm for the game of Mastermind. There are three
"challenges": a fixed-size problem, a "scalability challenge" ,
and a "learning challenge". |
Mario Project |
Matthew Taylor |
This assignment is appropriate for a course
with a reinforcement learning component (i.e., Introductory AI or
Machine Learning). In it, students are asked to implement, test,
and evaluate multiple reinforcement learning algorithms within the
Generalized Mario domain. |
2010 EAAI-2010: The
First Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial
Intelligence, Atlanta, Georgia (collocated with AAAI-10), July 13-14, 2010
The Pacman
Projects Software Package for Introductory Artificial Intelligence
John DeNero,
Dan Klein |
The Pac-Man projects apply an array of AI
techniques to playing Pac-Man. |
Project on Fast Trajectory Replanning for Computer Games for
"Introduction to AI" Classes |
Sven Koenig,
William Yeoh |
In this project, the students need to code A*
and then extend it to Adaptive A*. Adaptive A* is a fast path
replanning algorithm which moves game characters in initially
unknown gridworlds to a given target. |
Getting Set with
OpenCV |
Zachary Dodds |
This assignment asks students to build a
program that plays the game of Set, making use of the OpenCV
library, the largest and most ubiquitous software foundation for
real-time vision processing. |
Rook Jumping
Maze Generation |
Todd Neller |
With Rook Jumping Maze generation as the fun
central challenge, students integrate techniques from uninformed
search, stochastic local search, and machine learning. |
Assignment on CSPs
for first undergraduate AI course |
Giuseppe Carenini,
David Poole |
This assignment covers most of the basic
principles and techniques involved in solving constraint
satisfaction problems, with applications ranging from games
(sudoku) to configuration and scheduling problems. |
A Project on
Gesture Recognition with Neural Networks for “Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence” |
Xiaoming Zheng, Sven Koenig |
In this project, the students need to
understand and extend an existing implementation of the
back-propagation algorithm and use it to recognize static hand
gestures in images. |
Introduction to
Genetic Algorithms |
Chris Brooks |
In this assignment, you will work with
partially-completed code for a genetic algorithm, adding
crossover, selection and mutation operators. |
A Project
on Any-Angle Path-Planning for Computer Games for "Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence |
Sven Koenig, Kenny Daniel, Alex Nash |
In this project, the students need to code A*
and then extend it to Theta*. Theta* is an any-angle path-planning
algorithm which plans paths for game characters in known
gridworlds. |
September 16, 2024 at 11:59 PM UTC-12 (anywhere on earth): Model AI Assignment 200-word abstracts (via EasyChair) and assignment submissions (via email) due
December 9, 2024: Notification of acceptance or rejection
March 1-2, 2025: Symposium dates
What is the Model AI Assignments Session?
Model AI Assignments Session seeks to gather and disseminate the best
assignment designs of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education
One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you
know it, you have no certainty, until you try. - Sophocles
Recognizing that assignments form the core of student learning
experience, we invite AI educators to submit draft assignment
materials that exemplify an approach to teaching AI topics at all
Submission Ideas
Consider these challenges in assignment design:
- Intro AI audience: Submit your favorite assignment that
grounds one of the core AI concepts at the introductory level (e.g.
search, constraint satisfaction, knowledge representation and
reasoning, planning, probabilistic reasoning, machine learning,
robotics, machine vision, etc.).
- K-12/CS1/CS2 audience: Some AI assignment experiences are
designed to communicate the algorithms, potentials, and challenges
of the discipline. Submit an assignment that you believe will be
most likely attract the next generation of AI practitioners.
- Emerging topics: When a new algorithm has high impact in
a research area, there is a need to introduce the algorithm not only
to students, but to all AI researchers as well. The creation of
initial high- quality assignments to teach such groundbreaking
techniques can accelerate research advancements and keep AI material
fresh at all levels. Submit an assignment which introduces an
recent new algorithm or emerging subfield.
Whether sharing the best of your time-tested assignment designs, or
offering a timely new creation, please consider how your creative
assignment ideas can attract and prepare the next generation of AI
researchers, or accelerate the advancement of the current generation.
The Model AI Assignment Session is a part of EAAI-24: The Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence. This will be held February 24-25, 2024 in conjunction with AAAI-24 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
To register for EAAI, participants can register through the AAAI conference website and specify
EAAI registration.
Model Assignment Considerations
As with SIGCSE's Nifty
Assignments, EAAI Model AI Assignments should be:
- Adoptable - Provide materials to make the assignment easy
for other instructors to adopt. Materials might include
handouts in common formats (e.g. HTML, PDF), starter source code,
data files, suggestions for use, etc.
- Engaging - Model assignments often have a playful "fun
factor" or impressive outcome. The applications spark interest in the topic, lead to deeper understanding, and are
accomplishments likely to be shared with others.
- Flexible/Scalable - Language/platform independence, while
not required, would allow more widespread use over time.
Suggestions of possible follow-on projects, further readings, or
other open ends invite continued learning. Advice for
variations in assignment design can help other instructors create
unique (i.e. not easily plagiarized) assignment experiences for
their students.
We especially encourage AI Education assignments that teach and demonstrate how AI can
benefit humanity.
In the context of Educational Advances in AI, submissions should focus on the teaching of AI rather than on the application of AI to teaching, or teaching how to merely apply AI.
Model Assignment submissions must be made in two parts:
- Assignment submission (via e-mail) at the full paper submission deadline
- 200-word abstract submission (via
EasyChair submission site) also at the full paper submission deadline
Assignment submission directions: Create a directory named
with your last name, a hyphen, and the name of the assignment (e.g.
Dodds-SetOpenCV). Place all of your materials in this
directory, and create an index.html file. (Our goal is to
create an archive of assignments, rather than link to resources
elsewhere. We will gladly update materials in our archive as
authors direct.) In this index.html
file, create a table like the one below filled in with brief information
about your assignment (replace the italicized text with your own):
Summary |
Describe your assignment
in a few sentences here. |
Topics |
List the AI topics
relevant to the assignment. |
Audience |
Describe the intended
audience (e.g. Introduction to AI, K-12, Advanced AI) |
Difficulty |
Describe the perceived
assignment difficulty and time needed for the audience to
complete the assignment. |
Strengths |
Describe the assignment
strengths. |
Weaknesses |
Describe the assignment
weaknesses. |
Dependencies |
List the necessary
prerequisite topic knowledge. Describe computing
requirements, such as necessary operating system(s) and/or
programming language(s), if any. |
Variants |
In a few sentences,
describe possible ways in which other instructors can vary
the assignment, learn from its design, and/or encourage
follow-on assignment work. |
Then add links to the assignment materials in your directory
(e.g. handouts in common formats (e.g. HTML, PDF), starter
source code, data files, suggestions for use, etc.). These
need not be polished for submission; a draft is sufficient.
Assignments should be anonymous for blind review. (Your
directory will be renamed with a number before review.)
Finally, zip the directory (e.g., and
email it to Todd Neller (
with the subject line "Model Submission: " followed by the filename.
(Please add "Model" to the subject line for all Model Assignments
Session email.)
Abstract submission instructions: Create a 200 word PDF abstract describing your assignment according to AAAI author guidelines. (AAAI Author Kits with instructions may be found at by navigating to the current conference that links to this year's author kit.) Submit your anonymous abstract as a "full paper" submission according to the instructions on the
EAAI site via the
EasyChair submission site. Accepted submission abstracts will be included in an extended abstract of the Model AI Assignments