Welcome to the Battle Royale web site! Here you’ll find the game rules, project overview, downloads, and other documentation.
Welcome to the Battle Royale web site! Here you’ll find the game rules, project overview, downloads, and other documentation.
Some of you might have heard of or perhaps even played the board game Quoridor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quoridor), designed by Mirko Marchesi and published by Gigamic Games. Quoridor received the Mensa Mind Game award in 1997 and Game of the Year in the USA, France, Canada and Belgium.
The game board is composed of 81 squares (9×9). There are a total of 20 walls (of length 2 units) that can be placed in grooved slots between squares. The walls are evenly divided between the players. Each player starts in the middle of one side of the board and aims to get to the opposite side – whoever does this first, wins. In every move, a player either moves their pawn to an adjacent square, or places a wall to make the path for the other player(s) more complicated.
The game is played with either 2 or 4 players. We will first describe a two player game in detail.
Two player game:
Initial configuration. The figure shows the initial board configuration for two players. At the start of the game the players are positioned in the middle of two opposite sides of the board, the first (red) player in the bottom row and the second (blue) player in the top row. The red player aims for the top row (the red squares), and the blue player aims for the bottom row (the blue squares). Each player has 10 walls in storage to begin with, as indicated below the players’ names on the right.
The circled number next to a player indicates the player’s player ID (player 1 or 2) and it is shown when it is their turn to move. The circled numbers on the left and above the board represent a coordinate system on the board and they are not essential for the game rule description. They are needed for the actual implementation. To learn more, see the Specifications.
Move. The players alternate turns to take their move. On a playerʼs turn they can choose to do one of 3 things:
Figure 2b: Legal pawn moves for the red player are shown in pink. The player has two adjacent squares to move to, as well as a straight jump across the blue pawn.
Figure 2c: Legal pawn moves for the red player are shown in pink. The player can perform an L-shaped jump over the blue pawn, since there is a wall blocking the red player from jumping straight across the blue pawn.
Figure 3: Attempting to block off the opponent: The blue player is attempting to place the wall indicated by the arrow. This wall placement is illegal as it blocks the red player from its goal line.
Four player game:
The rules are identical to two players, except the player order is now: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and the players start in the middle of the bottom, top, left, and right side of the board, respectively. The corners squares are on the goal line for two players. Each player gets 5 walls in storage to begin with. Also, it is forbidden to jump over more than 1 opponent.
First, read the rules of the Quoridor game by Mirko Marchesi, published by Gigamic Games. Just like in most other board games, if played in person, the players take turns to perform their moves. We will play the game electronically.
You will implement a “student player” module that will contain code that will determine the next move for your player. We provide a “game engine” that calls the individual player functions when it is time to perform their moves. When called, your player module will specify which move to take and the engine will display it. You will not execute your player module – your code will be called by the engine and the move that you return to the engine will be displayed.
More specifics:
The game engine talks to your code through these functions:
There are two other functions that are used in the initial stages of the project (Part 1 of the project, see below). These functions are designed to help you get started with the project:
Execution flow:
Below is the sequence of function calls made by the game engine in a 2 player game.
step | function called | on which player | comments |
1 | init | player 1 | |
2 | init | player 2 | |
3 | move | player 1 | |
4 | last_move | player 1 | player 1 updates its data structures with its move |
5 | last_move | player 2 | player 2 updates its data structures with player 1′s move |
6 | move | player 2 | |
7 | last_move | player 1 | player 1 updates its data structures with player 2′s move |
8 | last_move | player 2 | player 2 updates its data structures with its move |
Repeat steps 3-8 until the game is over. |
We split the project into several parts to help you design and implement your code. The parts are roughly split as follows:
More information about the individual parts will appear on this website throughout the quarter. Alternatively, feel free to follow the instructions in the provided code - see the download section.
Please use the link below to download the Quoridor game client, which you will use to play the game and implement your player code:
Quoridor Client v1.1.1 Download (ZIP)
Inside the ZIP file, you will find two folders: one for Python 3.2, and one for Python 3.3. Find out which version of Python you have on your system, and then copy the contents of that folder to your eclipse workspace.
The code you need to modify is located in /StudentPlayers/RenameYourPlayer. Remember to choose a unique name for your player!
Once you’ve downloaded these files and configured your workspace, you will need to get an API key before being able to use the web service. We have a website that generates API keys for each student; for now please use bfaecec6fa4e1791c0. Paste this API key into config.txt, in the appropriate field near the top of the file.
Once you have downloaded and installed the game, and included your API key in the config.txt file, you can set the following parameters of the game in config.txt:
The Quoridor game engine uses a coordinate system to specify the location of a wall or a pawn.
Wall coordinates. The coordinate system for the walls is shown in the grey circled numbers on the left and above the board. For example, the blue wall next to the blue pawn runs from coordinate (1,6) to coordinate (3,6), and the yellow wall runs from coordinate (7,1) to coordinate (7,3). The wall coordinates are listed from left to right for horizontal walls and from top to bottom for vertical walls. As such, a wall from (r1,c1) to (r2,c2) satisfies r1<=r2 and c1<=c2.
Pawn coordinates. The rows and the columns of the board are numbered 0 through 8, with (0,0) representing the top left corner. For example, the blue pawn is at location (2,5) and the yellow pawn is at (5,4).